The KINDL Art Education programme offers opportunities for exchange and discovery. Our diverse activities are aimed at a wide-ranging audience. People of all ages, schools, and local initiatives are invited to come together at the KINDL to explore contemporary art exhibitions, learn about the artworks, artists, and history of the former brewery, and express their creativity in our art education spaces. A highlight is 50 Gramm Kunst, an annual project where individual creations form a collective artwork exhibited in the Kesselhaus of the KINDL. We offer guided tours, workshops, and long-term projects and cooperations.

Guided Tours

Public Tours
Public guided tours of the exhibitions take place in German every third Saturday of the month at 14:00, and in English every first Wednesday of the month at 18:00. These tours provide insight into the content and highlights of the exhibitions and encourage open dialogue.

  • Duration: 60 minutes
    Meeting point: foyer
    Cost: regular admission

    Tour dates
    Wed, 26.3., 18:00 (in English). Registration
    Sat, 29.3., 14:00 (in German). Registration
    Wed, 9.4., 18:00 (in English). Registration
    Sat, 19.4., 14:00 (in German). Registration

Architecture & History
The imposing KINDL building, completed in the early 1930s, leaves a lasting impression with its striking interior and exterior. Public tours in German, held every last Saturday of the month at 14:00, explore the history of this former brewery, now an industrial monument.

  • Duration: 45 minutes
    Meeting point: foyer
    Cost: regular admission

    Tour dates
    Sat, 26.4., 14:00 (in German). Registration
    Sat, 24.5., 14:00 (in German). Registration

Individual Tours
Private guided tours are available in various formats – focusing on either the exhibitions, the architecture & history of the KINDL, or a combination of both. Tours are offered in German, English, and Turkish.

  • Duration: 60 minutes
    Cost: 80 Euros plus reduced admission fee
    For groups of up to 25 persons

    Contact: +49 (0)30 832 159 12 0 or fuehrungen(at)

Offers for Schools

Workshops for Schools
Workshops for schools provide an in-depth exploration of contemporary artworks. Through discussions, playful methods, and physical activities, students engage with the themes of the exhibitions and experiment with artistic techniques to create their own works.

Information and Workshop Offers (in German)

The KINDL welcomes long-term cooperations with schools. In our project Die Blauen Bücher, primary school students visit exhibitions regularly and gain behind-the-scenes insights. The “KINDL Kids” document their impressions in large-format blue books, using artistic expression to capture their experiences.

Cooperation requests: vermittlung(at)


Offers for Leisure Time

Family Workshops
Family workshops offer an opportunity to explore an exhibition together and find inspiration in the artworks. After the tour, participants can get creative and design their own works of art. These one-hour workshops are suitable for children aged 3+ with their loved ones. They take place every second Sunday of the month at 15:00.

  • Duration: 60 minutes
    Meeting point: foyer
    Cost: 6 Euros per adult / 1 Euro per child

    Workshop dates
    Sun, 13.4., 15:00 on Aslan Goisum. Suspect (in German). Registration
    Sun, 11.5., 15:00 on Alfredo Jaar. The End of the World (in German). Registration

KINDL Rallye – A Discovery Tour through the KINDL
The KINDL Rallye is a fun way for groups to explore the KINDL and its history. Groups embark on a scavenger hunt through the former brewery, discovering old and new logos, creating their own designs, and making stamps. This activity is perfect for children's birthday parties or team events.

  • Duration: 120 minutes
    Cost: 180 Euros
    For groups of up to 15 persons

    Contact: vermittlung(at)


50 Gramm Kunst – A Collaborative Work

Every summer, 50 Gramm Kunst invites children, teens, and adults to contribute to a collective artwork presented in the 20 x 20 x 20 metre Kesselhaus. Participants create 50-gram objects using various materials, either at home or in one of the free workshops. These individual creations are then displayed together as a hanging mobile in an exhibition at the KINDL.

Further Information

20.7.25 – 27.7.25
Sat, 19.7.25, 16:00 – 18:00

Workshop dates
To be announced soon!

Group and school workshops available on request: vermittlung(at)


Outreach / Cooperations

Since 2017, the project Die Blauen Bücher has been a cornerstone of neighbourly cooperations in art education. Children from the school directly adjacent to the KINDL visit exhibitions regularly throughout their primary school years. Playful workshops encourage the students to engage with contemporary art. The children document their thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences at the KINDL in their “Blue Books” – a creative diary of their time at the KINDL. Each participant receives a KINDL pass, which also allows them to guide their loved ones through the exhibitions free of charge.

Founded in Neukölln in 2023, our cooperation with the KinderKultur-Club expands the KINDL art education programme with an extracurricular participatory format. Children in the club are invited to visit the KINDL regularly and gain behind-the-scenes insights from curators, exhibition technicians, and artists. Participants learn about the process of creating an exhibition – from the initial concept and the empty space to the opening. During the course of the project, the children also create their own artistic works, which are presented in a hands-on exhibition during Berlin’s KinderKulturMonat. The project collaborates with refugee shelters in Neukölln to reach children who face significant barriers to social participation.

The KinderKulturMonat is a citywide, month-long cultural festival for children aged 4 to 12, organised annually in Berlin since 2012. Throughout October, children can participate in hands-on workshops and activities in cultural venues across the city, including museums, schools for art and music, theatres, galleries, dance schools, and cinemas. The KINDL contributes by offering workshops on two weekends, encouraging children to engage with the exhibitions through playful and practical approaches.

Cooperation requests: vermittlung(at)